Molecular Longevity Lab

Our Mission

The Molecular Longevity Lab is on the hunt for the molecular fountain of youth. We employ sophisticated genetic and biochemical experiments to push the envelope of longevity. We hypothesize that understanding key molecular events that cause cells and tissues to age provides a window into delaying chronic, age-related disease. We use a variety of model organisms including baker’s yeast, C. elegans, rotifers, and mammalian tissue culture to identify novel cellular pathways that extend longevity and promote healthy aging.

Statement on Racial and Social Justice


The Molecular Longevity Lab is committed to fostering a hate-free and inclusive research environment that encourages its members to be their whole and authentic selves at work. We value diversity and recognize that scientific progress is accelerated by the voices and contributions of all folks regardless of their skin color, gender, ethnicity, age, socio-economic class, disability, or religion.

The Molecular Longevity Lab unequivocally values all Black and Brown lives, and we are committed to providing a safe environment for our LGBTQ+ peers. We understand that our country and institutions are founded in systemic racism, and we pledge to continually educate ourselves about racial injustice. For those of us who hold positions of privilege, we pledge to use that power to actively work against these systems of oppression by acting and speaking out against inequalities and injustices.